When It Changed

Stéphane Dion, Minister of the Environment, Canada, 2005

Anandi Sharan Meili, Managing Director, Velcan Energy, India, 2005

Unidentified conference participant

Zahwa AI Kuwari, Dir., Public Comm. for the Protection of Marine Resources, Environment & Wildlife, Bahrain

Robert Kofi Bamfo, Corporate Manager, Forestry Commission, Ghana, 2005

Dr. Ruy de Goes Leite de Barros, Director, Environmental Quality Profram of the Ministry of Environment, Brazil, 2005

Yoshiaki Nishimura, Senior Staff, Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, Japan, 2005

Francisco Javier Diaz Fernandez, Municipal President, Tehuacan, Puebla, Mexico

Vladimir Tarasenko, Deputy Head, State Committee for Energy Efficiency, Belarus, 2005

Colleen Thorpe, Editor in Chief of Enjeux-ÉNERGIE, Helios Centre, Canada, 2005

Jigme, Program Officer, National Environment Commission, Bhutan, 2005

Naalak Nappaaluk, Inur Elder, Kangirsujuaq, Nunavik, Canada, 2005

Margaret Beckett, Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, United Kingdom, 2005

Roque Pedace, Coordinator, Friends of the Earth International, Argentina, 2005

Robert Kofi Bamfo, Corporate Manager, Forestry Commission, Ghana

Unidentified conference participant

William J. Clinton, Former President, United States, 2005

Enele S. Sopoaga, Ambassador, Permanent Mission of Tuvalu to the United Nations

Dr. Kaoru Kikuyama, Director, Japan Atomic Industrial Forum, Inc., Japan

Victor A. Orindi, Research Fellow, World Agroforestry Center, Kenya, 2005

David Schellenberg, Executive Director, Climate Change and Environmental Services, Canada

Sama Bilbao y Leon, Nuclear Safety Analysis Engineer, Dominion Generation, United States

Leo Zulu, Prof., Dept. of Geography, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champagne, United States

José Cuenca, Ambassador on Special Mission for Environment and New Technologies, Spain

Unidentified conference participant

Yu Jie, Campaign Advisor, Greenpeace China, China

Jim Lime, Vice President, Global Environment, Health, and Safety, Pfizer, Inc., United States

Unidentified conference participant

Unidentified conference participant and Pierre St.-Arnaud, The Canadian Press, Canada

André Musy, Ouranos Consortium on Regional Climatology and Adaptation to Climate Change, Canada

Daisuke Hyashi, Research Fellow, Hamburg Institute of International Economics, Germany

Devinder Valeri, Manager of Business, Structure, and Financing, Atomic Energy of Canada, Ltd., Canada

Giulio Volpi, Coordinator, Latin America Climate and Energy Program, World Wildlife Fund, Brazil

Kosugi Takashi, Member, House of Representatives, Japanese Diet, Japan

Katherine Wood Williams, Secretariat of the UNFCCC Canada

Wahleah Jones, Field Organizer, Black Mesa WaterCoalition, United States

Unidentified Conference Participant

Unidentified Conference Participant

Vincent Lalieu, Program Officer, Climate Change Secretariat, UNFCCC, Germany

Jonathan Cobb, Director, The World Nuclear Association, United Kingdom

Virgilio Gibbon, Consultant, Getulio Vargas Foundation Brazil

Dean Peart, Minister of Local Government and Environmental, Jamaica

Johannes Blokland, Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety, European Union

Mohammed Reazuddin, Department of Environment, Bangladesh

Beatrice Ahimbisibwe, educator and international carbon consultant, Bushenye, Uganda, 2005

John T. Brinkman, Priest, Commission on Ecology and Religion, Maryknoll, Japan

Stephan Singer, Head of European Climate and Energy Policy Unit, World Wildlife Fund, Belgium, 2005
Stéphane Dion, Minister of the Environment, Canada, 2005