Campagna Romana: The Countryside of Ancient Rome

The Claudian Aqueduct, Rome, March 1989

Grand Nymphaeum of the Villa dei Gordiani, Parco dei Gordiani, Rome, August 1990

The former hotel Suburbano, now an apartment house, built in 1927, architect Innocenzo Sabbatini, Garbatella, Rome, August 1989

Frascati, August 1990

Two people living under the Claudian Aqueduct at the point where it intersects the Felice Aqueduct, Via dell’ Acquedotto Felice, Rome, August 1990

The Tor Pignattara, constructed in the fourth century A.D., and thought to be the mausoleum of the Christian St. Helen. Within is a seventeenth-century church - now used as a boy scout headquarters.

Remnant of the Claudian Aqueduct. The dome of the Vatican is visible on the horizon. June 1989

Picking angel’s -trumpets behind a convent, Via M. Bartoli, Rome, September 1990

Interior of an abandoned farmhouse painted ward-off-the-evil-eye blue, Via Ardeatina, Rome, September 1990

Sheep grazing in the vicinity of the Claudian Aqueduct, near Cinecitta, Rome, November 1990

Circus posters next to a shrine, where small plaques of gratitude are placed in response to answered paryers, Largo Preneste, Rome, November 1990

Women at their daily gathering beside an ancient Roman wall, Parco dei Gordiani, Rome October 1990

Abandoned farmhouse, Via Appia Pignatelli, Quarto Miglio, Rome, September 1990

Lovers parking beneath a pyramidal tomb of the second century A.D., Via Appia Antica, Rome, November 1990

Party from the American Academy in Rome beneath the Ponte Lupo, a bridge of the Marcius Aqueduct, Via di Poli, Kilometer 30, May 1991

Man and woman on their way to morning coffee, Via Sapori, Cecchignola, Rome, August 1990

Torre Spaccata (“split apart”), a medieval tower built atop a Roman tomb, Via di Torrespaccata, Rome, November 1990

The Claudian Aqueduct, winter morning, heavy frost, Rome, January 1990

Tree growing into the water channel of the Anio Novus Aqueduct and through it to the water channel of the Claudian Aqueduct, near Cinecitta, Rome, January 1991
The Claudian Aqueduct, Rome, March 1989