Rome after Rome

Frascati, August 1990

A man and women in their garden, Roma Vecchia, August 1990

Tiziana at the running track in Frascati, November 1990

Church of Saint Francis of Assisi by the River, 88 Piazza San Francesco d’Assis, Rome, October 1990

A mannequin next to a display table outside a restaurant, Via Appia Nuova, Frattocchie, August 1990

A private aqueduct leading from the Claudian Aqueduct to the Villa dei sette Bassi, Rome Vecchia, February 1990

Arches of the Felice Aqueduct where squatters had lived, Vicolo dell’ Acquedotto Felice, Rome, November 1990

Santa Maria Madre del Redentore a Tor Bella Monaca, Rome, November 1990

Via Appia Nuova, Statuario, Rome, August 1989

A view from the Caffarella Park towards the Via Latina, Rome, September 1990

A view of the Caffarella Park with a Roman wall in the foreground, Rome, September 1990

Free-range chickens, Cinecitta, Rome, July 1990

The Proprietor of a gas station on a hot afternoon, near Via Castel di Guido, Rome, August 1990

A man who has just washed kohlrabo in a fountain, Roma, vecchia, August 1990

An abandoned shed with the Torre del Fiscale and the Claudian Aqueduct in the distance, Via Appia Pignatelli, Quarto Miglio, Rome, September 1990

A woman outside her home, Via Appia Nuova, August 1990

A man at Aquapiper water park, near Tivoli, September 1990

Via Angelo Masina, Rome, September 1990

Near Quattro Miglio, Rome, July 1990

A man at work, near Via Appia Nuova, Frattocchie, November 1990

Land formation, near Settecamini, Rome, September 1990

Landscape with apartments and a Roman ruin on a frosty morning, near Torre Spaccata, December 1989

Torre Idrica Acea - Vigna Murata, Rome, December 1990

Part of the Villa dei stte Bassi ruins looking towards Via delle Cappanelle, Rome, September 1990

Frascati, August 1990

Frascati, August 1990